The Many Benefits of Gardening |
With Gardening, Improve Your:
Gardening can be enjoyable and provide you with fresh flowers, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and beautiful spaces, but the benefits don’t stop there. Other great results can be:
Of course, exposure to sunlight and fresh air are good for developing more Vitamin D, as well as a cheerful outlook on life. Read more from HenFeathers Blog. 1. Good for the BodyDepending on the type of gardening you do, the exercise it provides may or may not be aerobic, but regardless, there will be health benefits. The American Journal of Public Health notes a study of people who participated in community gardens finding that the gardeners had significantly lower body mass indexes (BMI) than their neighbors and family members. Studies of multiple gardening tasks found that they can provide aerobic exercise, as well as strengthen muscles. Another study found that people who have more non-exercise physical activity, such as gardening, had decreased risks of heart attack and stroke. And then you can relax and enjoy the beautiful garden and patios that you have helped to create! 2. Good for the MindA study of seniors recruited to work at low to moderate intensity in a community garden for short periods of time found that brain nerve growth factors related to memory were increased in those who participated in gardening activities. AgriLife Today points out that gardening can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Some addiction treatment programs incorporate gardening and have found it to be helpful to patients in recovery. Repetitive, steady motions, such as weeding or digging, can calm the fight, flight, or freeze stress responses, which, if chronic, lead to serious health issues. Certain bacteria in the soil can contribute to the production of serotonin, which makes a person feel more relaxed and happy. So leave the gardening gloves off at least some of the time! 3. Good for Health & Nutrition
4. Great Home Improvement! & Beauty
5. Good for a Great Lifestyle
-Garden Anywhere with Beautiful Container GardeningRegardless of your space, there is probably some way you can enjoy gardening, whether it’s a few tomatoes in a special container on your balcony, a backyard berry patch, a big community garden, or a beautiful box planter on the windowsill in your kitchen where you grow herbs. It has long been known that time spent outdoors can boost physical and mental health, and spending that time gardening brings even more benefits. And who knows? When it’s time to sell your home, your garden could be the thing that makes it the most appealing to potential buyers. Gardening can be beneficial in so many ways. It’s impossible to include them all in one brief article. But we highlighted some of the most important here! Don't forget to relax and enjoy your creation! HenFeathers.com offers an array of outdoor furniture, planters, urns, fountains, and other elements to make your outdoor space superb. Explore our website to learn more. Thanks to Breathewell.Info for writing this article and taking the time to compile. Resources: